
Thursday, August 30, 2012

In order to get somewhere you must go towards it!

In otherwords, if you have a goal, a dream, you need to be working towards it EVERY DAY.
My goal is to produce a small pattern line. I have talked about this in the past. I have not however made much headway in the past months, some of this was out of my control, but a lot of it was not.
So I sat down the other day and wrote out things that I CAN do, right now to reach my goal, and this is a small list of some of the things I will be endeavoring to do.

1. Blog once a week, at least. This is essentially publicity, but also it means I have to be thinking about what to blog about!
2. Add a new item to the old etsy store at least once a month. Not renew a listing, but a NEW listing. This could be something I (or my husband) have created, or something I am culling from the stash.
3. Have a featured etsy item once a week that for that week ONLY will be reduced in price, free shipping, special offer or something! I will start this feature on Monday.

There are many more things I need to do on my list (like organize the crafting space) but those are not to be shared here.

At the end of the day, what have you done to achieve YOUR goal?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beware the Pretty Pins

Like many other Crafters and Costumer, I can be found wasting time on Pinterest. It is a time suck to some and an inspiration to others. Depending on who and which boards you choose to follow you may find it a lot like an average "woman's magazine." With weight-loss tips, cake and cookie recipes, household cleaning tips and crafts for children. But unlike a magazine, you can choose which boards to follow so you can choose not to see those things if you want.

Just the other day I found something I didn't even know I was looking for.

I thought it was so interesting, that I have decided to share.
I have been going through online collections of Victorian magazines and came across this Der Bazar cover

Pretty funny looking huh? Well yesterday I found on Pinterest a surviving example that shows that yes somebody actually did make these!

even more hideous in real life! If only they had Regretsy in Victorian times!

Anyways you can take a look at my Pinterest boards, maybe you will find something you didn't know you were looking for!

Friday, August 24, 2012

A pony for my daughter

My last post was about finishing the Merida doll. I am happy to report that she has safely made her trip!
In that post I also referenced the post I made about Embroidering eyes. Well the project the second set of eyes belong to is now finished!

The Pony Pattern  is by VooDoo Tiki on Deviant Art
Read more about the making of behind the cut
The Cutie Mark is just something I made up, I couldn't come up with anything that symbolized my daughter, and she is too young to draw her own.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Brave are the Artists

Today I finished off the last of Merida's clothes and carefully packed her in a box. The children said their goodbyes, especially my daughter.
I had blogged about her hand embroidered face a while back
Her hair is quite red and full, the yarn I used is Homespun and I have used it in other colorways in the past. This time I didn't cut it in to strands but left it looped at the bottom, this means it will hopefully not all ravel off her head!
Her arms are jointed at the shoulder, her legs at the hip.

In the end she has a nicely rounded wardrobe of 4 dresses, a cloak, undergarments and a blanket.

Click the cut to see more on ALL the clothes this little girl has.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mock-ups are always a good thing.

Remember that Doll house I was designing?
Well I finally dot around to making a cardboard mock up. After all, having recently moved, we had cardboard to use!
I didn't do all the pieces, just the 3 different roof sections and 1 stair/hallway section.
I have even allowed the children to play with it, even though I keep telling them it is MY doll house.

More pictures and further plans after the cut
EDITED with new roof shapes!