
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Introducing a POLL!

In my attempts to find the balance in my life, I have decided I need a good clear goal and a path to achieving it. I also need to be held accountable to someone. I think what I need is to do a month end post on the current project pattern, so which pattern should be first?

So here is the Poll, which you should be able to see at the upper left of this page. If you can’t see it, comment!

Which pattern should I FOCUS on first? It may not end up being the first one released, but it will be the one I focus on and blog about creating. All will probably become patterns in time, so don't fret if your first choice is not the one that comes out on top.

The Poll is now CLOSED you may see the results here 

Feel free to share this post, the wider audience the more variety of votes, the clearer the picture will be for me.

The Skeleton Corsets
Needs contact Met again, and the two patterns are SO different, it is more like 2 different corsets, not one in 2 sizes.

The 1810 Corset en X

Needs museum contacts, and grading, then testing. Read more here.

Regency girls outfit.
I have the basic pattern and instructions for the dress, I need to add the under and outer layers.
Read more about the inspiration here

Childs “Medieval” outfit
Refinement of pattern and instructions, additional layers added then off to testing

Dragon pattern.
CAD the pattern and make a new one, photos and testing.

Once again, the Poll should be in the upper left of my blog, and is open until January 31st, 2013. if for some reason you can not vote in the poll, comment! I will tally them all up at the end and anounce the scores on February 2nd.

Please SHARE this post to anyone you think would have an interest in these future patterns.

The Poll is now CLOSED you may see the results here

1 comment:

  1. I voted skeleton, mostly cos I have Dawn Luckham's pattern and can figure out the corset en x. If I didn't I'd totes vote for corset en x, as I have bought every available regency stays pattern. (a wee bit obsessed & wanting to support the production of them)
